Monday, April 26, 2010

was it me?

was i always ready to make you a memory?

Saturday, April 24, 2010


my hair was days of dirty the day you left town
my hair was days of dirty the day you left town
my hair was days of dirty the day you left town
tag-along to your goodbye brunch
you hugged your friends / exes 
in succession before 
and i slipped out the back to the bathroom
cried into the mirror
like a bad poem

my hair was days of dirty the day you left town
you never came to the bathroom
i emerged to pay and realized i had forgotten to order food
my hair was days of dirty the day you left town
like a bad poem


there's a gap in my existence now

it's a like a weekend that might force somebody into a recovery group
i knew my battle was no longer about finding the centre anymore
it had come to be about forgetting it
i was a landless nowhere
an ellipses too long to type

---- /magpie ulysses 

Sunday, April 18, 2010


sometimes i wish there was a place called 'get laid here'.


(i mean. fine fine. dating. romance. seduction. blah blah. but i have essays to write. errands to run. babies to kiss. ribbons to cut.)

fuck anarchofeminist utopic earth goddess communes. i want a sex portal.